Infant massage is a perfect way to bond with your baby. Your baby benefits tremendously from the gentle touch of your hand. Just think of how relaxing massaging can be to you after a long day and how you wish you could have them every day! You can give your baby a taste of the good life, just in the mini version!
There are many videos, books and classes that can offer techniques and methods on how to massage your baby. However, its quite a simple task that takes no more than ten minutes and the end result is a happy baby.
The benefits of touch:
relaxation/reduces stress
increase blood circulation
helps ease symptoms of gas discomfort
Looking for a great way to help your baby settle down for the night? try a warm bath and a quick rubbing just bedtime, this will help your baby go to sleep faster and rest better too. Choose a quiet setting that is relaxing and calm. During the massage interact with your baby by maintaining eye contact while singing and talking.
Basic Infant Massage
Start by undressing your baby and leaving just the diaper on and laying them on their back on a towel or a soft blanket. Before you begin warm your hands by rubbing them together, then pour a little drop of oil into them.
Starting at the top: while your baby is laying on her back start with her stomach, place your hands on her tummy and rub them across from left to right in a circular motion.
Then move upward towards the chest and shoulder, start by placing on hand on each shoulder and rub in downward motion.
Massage each arm by starting from the top of the left shoulder and rub in downward motion towards each arm be sure to get the hands and in between the fingers. Then starting back at the top of the shoulders rub in the same downward motion towards the lower part of the body towards the leg and foot. Repeat on the right side
Turn your baby over onto the stomach ,starting from the tops of the shoulders,rub the back in downward motion,you can also rub in a side to side motion as well. Repeat several times
At the end of the massage you can finish getting your baby dressed.
This is a basic technique that you can use, and you can certainly adapt this to what is most comfortable for your baby. During this time pay attention to cues that your baby is giving you. If you find that your baby is overstimulated or uncomfortable with any aspects of the massage, you should stop. The different sensations and pressures are something that have to be adapted to. You can try it again another day.
Resources and Information
Infant Massage:A Handbook for Loving Parents,Vimala Schneider Mcclure:book provides basic fundamentals of infant massage, the importance of touch and easy techniques that parents can use. (Amazon,$11.56)
Infant Massage USA: website provides statewide directory of infant massage classes for parents, classes for teaching infant massage, membership services and related news and research.
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1 comment:
so basically, rub your baby all over... this is the most inarticulate explanation. How hard should I press? Are there areas I should avoid pressing on? How long should I massage her? Are there certain oils or creams that I should avoid for baby's sensitive skin?
thanks for nothing.
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