Baby sign language teaches babies hand gestures to communicate basic needs in a way that is effective. Well before your baby has the ability to communicate verbally she has good use of her hands. There are many parents and research experts like Linda Acredolo, Ph.D and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D , developers of Baby Signs® whom agree that signing into with your baby can reduce the level of frustration at not being able to communicate.
If you are considering teaching your baby to sign its fairly easy and your baby will pick it up rather quickly. You can begin with the most basic signs like eat, milk, sleep and change (relating to diaper change). As she masters these basic signs you can move on to more signs. While learning signs you are also associating words to the sign so she is getting a vocabulary lesson as well.
How To Start Signing
• Ideally you can begin signing with your baby at any age because of the overall positive benefits. Some parents begin around the age of 9+ months because it is age that age that babies are more sociable and have greater use of hand gestures. You should start with a basic signs relative to the environment of your baby such as mama or dada.
• Be patient. As with all things new to your baby, it will take some time for full mastery. It may simply depend on your baby as to how quickly they can begin to sign back to you. Its important to keep the activity fun and enjoyable.
• Repetition is key! By implementing signing into your daily activities your baby will start to make a connection. Its important to use the signs and words together, as well as objects. Say the word, show the object and do the sign. For example you can
• Enroll in a baby-signing class in your local neighborhood. In addition talk with other parents and ask them about their experience with baby sign language.
The Benefits of Baby Sign Language:
Creates a stronger bond between parent and baby
Increases language development
Less frustration with the ability to communicate
Baby Sign Language Resources
Below is a list of sign language resources
American Sign Language: most sign language classes are based on the ASL so this is a great resource that provides signs for all words of the American Sign Language
Baby Signs: provides program information
Babies & Sign Language
My Baby Can Talk
Signing Baby
Signing Time: website provides newsletter, blog, online shopping
Check your local library for books about signing as well
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