Friday, August 8, 2008

Newborn Twins and Multiples: How To Manage With Two Babies

Life with multiples can be very exciting, simply because there is more than one new baby. Along with the joys of raising multiples, families do face challenges when it comes to adjusting to the changes that come along with many feedings and burp sessions,diaper changes,extra loads of laundry and other daily activities.

Here are a few tips:

Establish a support system: if you have family members,friends or outside care services that can provide an extra set of hands in caring for the babies that is certainly helpful. Its important that you determine the times that you need the most help and perhaps what task each caregiver can do. Perhaps there is someone who can cook meals, walk the dog, run some errands or so. You can create a schedule that print out and provide to each caregiver. This way you will always have adequate coverage and never leave yourself short. As well each person clearly knows just exactly when they are needed which helps keep things organized.

Keep it together: all of the daily care routines such as feeding, bathing, diaper changes and sleeping should be done together. If you keep your babies on one schedule, your day will be less hectic. Babies are adaptable, and although it may take a little time, you can have smoother days ahead. As your babies grow older and become more mobile and independent that makes the difference as well.

Feeding time may certainly be one of the most hectic times if only you had more than two arms. Whether you are exclusively breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a combination of both, finding the best way to keep your babies well nourished is what is most important.

Some parents have found things like bounce chairs to be a wonderful gift. When you fussy babies and one set of hands, creativity can certainly come into play. When both babies want to be held or rocked at the same time: first place one baby in a bounce chair on the floor and use your foot to get a rhythmic bounce session going, you can then hold and rock the other baby. As well this is a perfect way to interact with both babies simultaneously. Perfect play activities such as singing, making silly faces and talking are great ways to bond with both babies.
As well for equal opportunity, switch babies so each one is getting fair time being held.

One of the more challenging aspects: Getting your babies to nap at the same time is key! The main purpose is that time management with a goal in mind. While your babies are asleep, you can use this time to complete other tasks such as doing laundry, dishes, errands or simply some much needed down time. Naptime is priceless! However, newborns have a time disparity so chances are they are out of sync.

Ensure that the babies have a full tummy: chances are that if hunger needs are met, the babies will feel satisfied and sleep well. Newborns have an innate need to suck and some babies may require more than others. If you are nursing, your babies will let you know when they feel satisfied. Some babies may need a pacifier for more soothing when being put to sleep.

Warm bath: giving the babies a warm bath, can help calm and relax the body. A light massage with oil also helps the body to relax and feels great too. If you establish a bedtime routine that is consistent, this will help your baby to make associations between the activities and sleeping.

Try swaddling them: wrapping the babies in a light weight blanket, gives them a feeling of comfort and security that resembles the womb. Be sure that you do not wrap them too tightly

Sleeping together: try placing the babies in same the crib/bassinet together: some parents like to allow their babies to sleep together because its comforting. They've spent nine months together so they comfort one another. Many multiples can be see holding each others hands or cuddling close to one another. They are each others best friends!

Remember: babies are adaptable to their environment! Start early and gradually work with your babies to become used to a set schedule.

Bonding: As a parent of newborn multiples, your babies will be viewed as "the twins" or "the triplets", sort of as a group entity. However as you to get to know your babies and bond with them together and individually you are setting the foundation of a healthy parental relationship. Its important to also celebrate the individuality of each baby, by making reference to each by name. As your babies grow and unique personality traits begin to emerge you will find that its easier to do. You can play games like peek-a-boo and say "peek-a-boo, I see *baby's name*, or try playing patty-cake with the babies. This also helps them to hear their names separately as well!Although don't be surprised if it takes others to catch on to this fact.(we tend to group clusters of info in our brain).

Key Tip: take some time and research online to see if there are any support networks within your local community as well. If you find that none exist, you could even consider starting a group of your own. There are many families out there who would certainly appreciate some services that would be easily accessible especially when, you factor in toting babies and all that it entails.

Its important to keep in mind that you life has changed considerably since your babies have arrived. As well you may be an emotional roller coaster while your moods are bouncing back and forth. Its important to be good to yourself and not forget to set aside time for yourself. Even the most simple basic daily tasks like showers can become a luxury. As well fathers are just as emotionally effected by the birth of the babies and need a little TLC as well.

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