Sunday, August 24, 2008
Newborn Care: Formula Feeding
If you decide to feed your baby formula consult your baby's pediatrician for advice about choosing the right formula. If you have a family history of allergies or any other health concerns these should be mentioned as well. There are many types of formulas on the market, however most babies should be fed an iron-fortified or milk-based formula.
Infant formulas is available in forms:
Concentrate form needs to be mixed with water,least expensive
Ready-to-feed form no preparation required,more costly
Powdered needs to be pre-measured and mixed with water, least expensive
Tip: Babies should be held during bottle feeding, never offer a bottle to a baby while lying, formula can flow into the middle ear,which is a major contributor to ear infections.
When feeding your baby ensure that she is in a semi-upright position, by cradling her body and supporting her head.
To prevent your baby from swallowing air during feedings, keep the bottle tilted tilt so that the formula fills the neck of the bottle and covers the nipple.
Formula Preparation:
Before you open the formula check the expiration date: look on the side or bottom of the can
Wash the top of the can with hot water before opening it.
Read the directions on the can for proper preparation. The formula should be thoroughly mixed, never too thick or too thin.
Bottled water is safest to use for preparing formula
To warm bottles,simply use a pan of warm water and set the bottle in in for a few minutes or use an electric bottle warmer.
Never heat a bottle in the microwave. The microwave can destroy nutrients, overheat the formula, and may have hot spots that could burn your baby.
Before feeding shake the bottle and test the temperature on your wrist. The formula should be slightly warm, not hot.If it burns your wrist, its simply too hot for your baby.
Its important to read and follow directions on proper storage of formula: you should throw away open, mixed and unused formula after 48 hours.
Never save or reuse any leftover formula in bottles.
Do not leave any formula out at room temperature for more than 30 minutes.
Basic Feeding Guide:
Remember that your newborn will change and growing quickly during the first month. So to ensure that your are adequately meeting his nutritional needs, the frequency of feedings and the caloric intake may vary on a day to day basis. However, to make sure you're meeting your newborns nutritional needs, here are some basics. Typically during the first few days of life, he may drink less than an 1 ounce per feeding and gradually increase up to 2-4 ounces over the next few weeks. He may want to be fed every two to four hours. Its important to allow him to feed on demand when his hunger is greatest. If he does not finish the bottle do not force feed. Newborns have very small stomachs.
Sometimes during feedings newborns can become uncomfortable because they have a tummy that is full of swallowed air. He may become fussy and cranky and experience great discomfort until he can get relief from a few burps. Its important that you watch for signs of discomfort such as grunts, grimaces or squirmming while feeding. A good method of prevention is to burp your baby frequently after every 2 or 3 ounces of formula. If he baby doesn't burp after a couple of minutes, then continue feeding.
Ways To Burp:
Try any of these methods for burping your baby, always support the back of the head and keep those burp cloths handy!
1. Over the shoulder: place your baby over your shoulder and firmly pat or rub his back.
2. On the lap: Sit your baby upright leaning slightly forward and firmly pat or rub his back.
3. Lying down: Place baby stomach-down across your lap and firmly rub or pat his back.
Tip: Remember that newborns don't need water,juice or other fluids.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Infant Massage: Basic Techniques
There are many videos, books and classes that can offer techniques and methods on how to massage your baby. However, its quite a simple task that takes no more than ten minutes and the end result is a happy baby.
The benefits of touch:
relaxation/reduces stress
increase blood circulation
helps ease symptoms of gas discomfort
Looking for a great way to help your baby settle down for the night? try a warm bath and a quick rubbing just bedtime, this will help your baby go to sleep faster and rest better too. Choose a quiet setting that is relaxing and calm. During the massage interact with your baby by maintaining eye contact while singing and talking.
Basic Infant Massage
Start by undressing your baby and leaving just the diaper on and laying them on their back on a towel or a soft blanket. Before you begin warm your hands by rubbing them together, then pour a little drop of oil into them.
Starting at the top: while your baby is laying on her back start with her stomach, place your hands on her tummy and rub them across from left to right in a circular motion.
Then move upward towards the chest and shoulder, start by placing on hand on each shoulder and rub in downward motion.
Massage each arm by starting from the top of the left shoulder and rub in downward motion towards each arm be sure to get the hands and in between the fingers. Then starting back at the top of the shoulders rub in the same downward motion towards the lower part of the body towards the leg and foot. Repeat on the right side
Turn your baby over onto the stomach ,starting from the tops of the shoulders,rub the back in downward motion,you can also rub in a side to side motion as well. Repeat several times
At the end of the massage you can finish getting your baby dressed.
This is a basic technique that you can use, and you can certainly adapt this to what is most comfortable for your baby. During this time pay attention to cues that your baby is giving you. If you find that your baby is overstimulated or uncomfortable with any aspects of the massage, you should stop. The different sensations and pressures are something that have to be adapted to. You can try it again another day.
Resources and Information
Infant Massage:A Handbook for Loving Parents,Vimala Schneider Mcclure:book provides basic fundamentals of infant massage, the importance of touch and easy techniques that parents can use. (Amazon,$11.56)
Infant Massage USA: website provides statewide directory of infant massage classes for parents, classes for teaching infant massage, membership services and related news and research.
Lack of tummy time may slow infant development
Infants need "tummy time" while they are awake to develop properly, the APTA notes.
The 1992 "Back to Sleep" campaign, which educated parents on the importance of putting their infants to sleep on their backs, rather than their stomachs, led to a dramatic reduction in the number of deaths from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
"As a result though, new parents were afraid to put their babies on their bellies at all, even when awake," Colleen Coulter-O'Berry, a physical therapist at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta noted in an interview with Reuters Health.
"I see new parents all the time that, by 4 months of age, have never put their babies on their bellies because they are afraid the baby is going to suffocate," she said.
The combination of babies sleeping on their backs, as well as spending long periods of time in infant carriers that double as car seats, puts pressure on the head, which can flatten the skull, she explained.
"As a result, we've seen an alarming increase in skull deformation," Coulter-O'Berry said.
Babies who do not get enough time on their tummies can also develop tight neck muscles or neck muscle imbalance - a condition known as torticollis. "If a baby doesn't get early tummy time, they don't push up on their elbows, they don't get their heads up and looking around, and they don't gain strength in their neck and back muscles," she explained.
"Increasing the amount of time your baby lies on his or her tummy promotes muscle development in the neck and shoulders; helps prevent tight neck muscles and the development of flat areas on the back of the baby's head; and helps build the muscles baby needs to roll, sit, and crawl," Coulter-O'Berry added.
She said 90 percent of children with torticollis also have changes in their head shape.
Her message to new parents: "Don't be afraid to put your baby on their tummy for short periods of time while they are awake. After a nap, diaper change or feeding, roll the baby onto his or her stomach and encourage the infant to find, focus, and follow your face or a toy with their eyes looking up."
The football hold, where the baby's belly is facing down in the palm of the hand and the baby is looking up, is another good way to get extra tummy time, she said.
Coulter-O'Berry is co-author of "Tummy Time Tools" - a brochure that provides caregivers ideas and activities to ensure that babies get enough tummy time. It is available on the APTA website --
Reuters HealthCopyright © 2008 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Baby High Chairs: Buying Baby Gear
Take a moment to check around before you shop, ask for some recommendatins from friends what brand of high chair & what are the pros and cons. When you head to the stores, test these chairs HANDS ON, feel how well that they operate, touch the fabrics, take the tray on and off (most trays have a one hand feature), buckle and unbuckle the straps,fold and unfold the chair.
Tip: To avoid accidents: be sure that the high chair of your choice has a 3 point harness at the least or a 5 point harness strap to keep him safe. Many accidents occur because a baby is not properly strapped into the seat. You should ensure that the straps work properly and that they are adjusted to fit and keep your baby securly seated.
What to consider:
Your bestoption for choosing a safe high chair is to pick a model that has a Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association(JPMA) certificate seal on it. The JPMA has established safety standards which are followed by most reputable manufacturing companies.
Price: How much do you want to spend on a highchair? depending on what you are looking for you can spend anywhere from $50 and up
Style: What style best suits you: contemporary, traditional
Practicality: some of todays highchairs are more adaptable to a wide range of ages, allowing them to transform into toddler chairs/stools. If you want a high chair that offers more, this may be a good route to go. Whatever type you choose, it should be durable and withstand many of the meals that are yet to come. Another point to consider is that the high chair should be fairly easy to clean. Babies and toddlers are messy eaters and every aspect of the kitchen is fair game, including you for that matter. Some high chairs have a double tray feature: the top tray comes out easily for cleaning and leaving you with another try in the mean time. Material should be vinyl for easy wiping. As well most covers are removeable as well so you can clean behind them as well.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Baby Pacifiers: What You Should Know
Photo By: djuggler
The pacifier may be one of the greatest innovations known to many parents, because sometimes when all else fails the pacifier, can be what quails the wails of a baby at 2 am!
While there is great debate about the subject of pacifiers we simply wanted to provide you with some basic information.Newborns are born the the innate ability to suck. Some babies have a stronger, yet greater need to suck after an adequate feeding. In addition, to the soothing and calming feeling that comes along with it, so you may find that your baby may take well to a pacifier. However, there are other babies who absolutely refuse the pacifier and prefer their thumb.
Keep in mind that wide range of pacifiers on the market that differ in brands,styles,colors and overall material grade. Once you've decided that you will use a pacifier for your baby you should purchase several types. You wont know which one your baby prefers so its best to keep them on hand so you give them a try. Eventually your baby will let you know if any are the right one.
Soothes fussy infants
Can help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
Can be helpful to babies born premature improve their ability to suck
Types of pacifiers
Brand: most common brands are Gerber, Avent, and Sassy Mini Mam are just a few examples of the brands available in most common baby stores or even local drugstores. However, if you want something more unique or specialized such as a personalized pacifier, take a look online for more choices.
Nipple size & shape: many pacifiers are sized according to baby's age (i.e. newborn/stage 1 for babies up to 6 months) so be sure to read the label for proper sizing. The shape of the nipple can vary also as some pacifiers are "orthodontic" which are specially shaped.
Material: many of the pacifier nipples are made of silicone(soft material,flexible)/latex(more sturdy,don't retain odors)/natural rubber, be sure to read packaging to be sure of product details,as some babies are allergic to latex.
Ventilation: be sure that the pacifier of your choice has ventilation holes on each side. Sometimes you may notice a red ring around your baby's mouth that outlines the shape of the pacifier. At times saliva can collect around the sides of the pacifier and eventually irritate your baby's skin.
Hospital Grade: nurseries give standard pacifiers that are considered " hospital grade". These pacifiers are sturdy, durable and safe. So these may be your baby's very first pacifier if you give permission. If your baby does like the "soothie" style of pacifier, be sure to ask for a few extras until you can purchase more. As well, they are available at most stores, so you shouldn't have a problem finding them.
Helpful Tips:
Its important not to "overuse" the pacifier. By that meaning that every time your baby cries or becomes fussy, that this is not the first thing offered. Babies cry and fuss for many reasons. Try to first eliminate other reasons like, hunger, wet diapers or simply not feeling well.
Never use string or any other material to tie a pacifier around your baby's neck, this is very dangerous and can cause strangulation. There are special pacifier clips that simply attach to clothing and the other end can attach to the pacifier itself.
Frequently replace all pacifiers, while inspecting them for for signs of wear holes, odors/fungus (inside the nipple) and detachment from the base.
Finding Unique Baby Pacifiers:
Mumlo: website allows you to create your own personalized pacifier for your baby. You can see how it looks before you buy it. Pacifiers are sold in sets of 4, 8 and 12.
Teethifier: unique teether/pacifier unlike anything you've seen before
Wubbanub: unique cuddly stuffed animals with attached pacifier. 100% adorable
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Child Proof Your Home
Baby note: When Maddie turned 9 months old she seemed to be unstoppable, I mean one minute she was in front of me, the next moment she was off into the next room. Its the fist time that I realized that I had to constantly watch her constantly and could never leave her alone. We never realized just how many things that babies could get into. We had baby gates all over the house we were trapped!
The Kitchen
Buy a fire extinguisher to keep in the kitchen, and the label should UL rated 5-B:C
effective against flammable liquid fires and live electrical equipment fires.
Make it a habit when cooking to use the back burners on your stove. You should also turn all pot handles inward to prevent any accidents.
When you are cooking keep your baby out of the kitchen, just as a safety precaution. Sometimes parents allow their babies to play with tupperware or even pots and pans while they are in the kitchen. However, its best to keep the little one out of the kitchen when you cooking and handling hot food.
Keep safety latches on all cabinet doors and draws. Set up a safety gate to keep to block access to the kitchen
Purchase a trash can that has a lid that can not be opened by little hands
Never place hot beverages close to the edge of counter tops. Always push cups/containers far away from the edge.
Keep step stools and chairs away from counters, so little adventurers can't climb up and fall off. (You also don't want them to be able to reach knives and other dangerous things.) This precaution may sound obvious, but experts say lots of people don't do it.
The Bathroom:
Keep locks on all cabinets to prevent access to medication, cosmetics and toiletries.
Put a safety latch on the toilet seat and keep the lid closed. Small children can drown in just a few inches of water.
Keep toilet paper out of reach, for some reason young babies are intrigued by rolls of toilet paper and enjoy pulling wads of tissue off the roll. You could even find yourself calling the plumber because the toilet is stopped up!
Be sure to keep all electrical outlets covered at all times.
Keep your bathroom door closed at all times. There really is no reason for your baby to have access to the bathroom at any time unless he is with you.
The Living Room:
If you have a fireplace, use a hearth pad and simply do not use the fireplace when you baby is around.
Cover all edges of the coffee table with padded covers
Heavy furniture such as wall units and bookcase should be securely attached to the wall with brackets. If your
Keep Venetian-blind cords out of reach to prevent strangulation. You should also remove any small plastic bulbs to prevent choking.
Keep all electrical wires behind the furniture so that they are out of reach
Other Tips:
Keep important phone numbers such as your local police, fire department, poison control, the pediatrician, and any other important numbers posted next to your telephones. This keeps the information accessible at all times in the case of an emergency.
Install stair gates, safety gates and window guards: there are a variety of safety gates on the that come in many styles, colors and materials. Before you shop around for one, be sure that you measure the doorways/stairways to know the exact measurement and the best installation method for the particular area in your home. Although some safety gates are adjustable its simply better to be sure.
As well window guards are so important, it can not be stressed enough. If you open your windows and your baby is awake and exploring you should always have window guards. As well, if you live in an apartment building you should talk with your landlord about having them installed. Check with your state. Windows are like an amusement park attraction to which infants and toddlers are simply drawn to. Its best to keep them away from the windows.
Baby Gear and Essentials: New Finds for babies:
Here are some new great products
Burps for Fun: make feeding time fun with these unique burp cloths, sold in sets of 3
(Sock Monkey Burp Cloths$30, New Arrivals

The young artist: there is no more perfect way to decorate your little ones nursery than with these nostalgic unique prints. Skillfully painted on canvas and sized accordingly, you wont find these in just any baby store.
(Carter The Cow, $64.00, My Retro Baby)
Mealtime Fun: bring fun to the highchair with Kaloo the bear. Complete set includes (Kaloo 123 Dish Set $36.99,
Feeding Your Baby: Choking Hazards
Keeping your baby safe
Puree, mash or grind food so that it's soft enough for your baby to gum or chew. For toddlers cut all food in to very tiny, small bite size pieces. Most toddlers don't chew their food thoroughly. Baby food like:Gerber Fruit Puffs are small, light and melt away
Ensure that your baby is in a highchair sitting in a full upright position. All meals and drinking should be fully supervised for the entire meal. Never walk away or become distracted, thus taking your eye off of your baby. It only takes a moment for a choking accident to occur.
Foods that pose a choking hazard: especially for young babies and toddlers
peanut butter
hot dogs
olives(especially pitted)
whole grapes
hard candy/lollipops
raw vegetables: carrots,peas
Learning CPR can be one of the most important classes that you could ever enroll in. As a parent its a must have, hands down!
Contact your local Red Cross for class registration and availability
Monday, August 18, 2008
Funny Baby Video: Busy Baby
Sunday, August 17, 2008
BPA Free Baby Bottles: What You Should Know
On April 14, 2008 the FDA released information surrounding the issue. According to the agency:Based on our ongoing review, we believe there is a large body of evidence that indicates that FDA-regulated products containing BPA currently on the market are safe and that exposure levels to BPA from food contact materials, including for infants and children, are below those that may cause health effects. However, we will continue to consider new research and information as they become available. For more information
Many companies are making a commitment to parents by creating new lines of bottle for babies that are BPA-free.
Here are a few brands of bottles:
Born Free
Green To Grow
Playtex Baby
Here are some things that you can do if you have concerns about your baby's exposure to BPA
• Breastfeeding
• Purchase bottles that are either BPA-free or glass
• When preparing bottles follow the manufactures instructions as directed
• Use brand new bottles and discard any that are old as they may not meet the new standards
• Taking care of your bottles by not placing them in the dishwasher, use a non-abrasive bottle brush that does not scratch the inside of the bottles,or just rinse them in the sink with warm soap and water and allow them to air dry.
• Avoid using the microwave to heat your baby's bottle,simply warm bottles by placing them in a bowl of warm water.
Information & Resources: website provides information about BPA, news, faq and health and environmental safety information
Playtex Baby: visit the website for a free sample: Playtex BPA-free Drop-In Nurser SampleBabies"R"Us: offers a customer allow customers to exchange old infant feeding products that contain BPA for BPA-free bottle or feeding system.
In The News: Citing Safety, Wal-Mart and Nalgene Pull BPA Bottles From Shelves
The Diaper Bag: Packing For Baby
Diaper bag: a sophisticated term for a bag that carries everything but the baby!
Key Tip
While you need a way to keep all baby essentials centralized when out on the go, it doenst have to be an official "diaper bag". Quite contrary to what many baby registry listed indicate, you can use any type of bag. Really, any ordinary tote, backpack or big shoulder bag will do. You don't have to spend$200.00 on a bag for to transport baby bottles, diapers and wipes!
Diaper Bag Essentials:
•diapers: disposable: *you should determine your own desired amount of diapers needed
•baby wipes (travel size)
•diaper ointment/petroleum jelly
•Empty plastic bags (dispose of dirty diapers/wet clothing)
•Bibs/burp cloths
•2 extra outfits for baby
•teether/small toy
• teething gel/pain reliever (optional)
Cloth Diapers: when traveling on the go with cloth diapers it may solely depend on your preferred method as to some of the essentials that you may need
•diaper pins/snappi
•baby wipes (travel size)/ or your own wipe solution with cloths
•wet bag for soiled diapers
Tip: Baby bottles and formula/breast milk can be stored in a separate bottle bag along with travel ice packs to maintain adequate temperature.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Newborn Infants: Solutions to Newborn Crying
Most parents of newborns whether first time parents or seasoned veterans, will have to go through an adjustment period. The fact is, you have a new baby in your family that you need to get to know. As well, your baby needs to get to know you too. Through the process of bonding you will build a relationship that is secure. Once you learn about your baby's cues and what they mean, you will be able to meet all of his needs in a more efficient way.
Your baby's overall temperament is another factor that comes into play when it comes to caring for him. There are some babies that are mild tempered, calm and easy going baby,these babies are more adaptable to their environment and basically easy to soothe. There are some babies that are "high needs" and have a more challenging temperament, tending to be more fussy, easily overstimulated and more difficult to soothe. Learning about your baby's temperament make up is something that you will discover over the first few weeks and will most helpful as well when developing efficient care strategies.
Newborns cry as a way to communicate with you: things: hunger, a wet or dirty diaper, tiredness, pain,boredom or even loneliness. Yes even a newborn can be lonely, because remember he was in your womb for nine months so the constant warmth and closeness is still very familiar and longed for.While these are just some of the most basic reasons, always know that there could be alternate reasons. During the early weeks you will have to constant assess the needs of your newborn.
Tips to drying newborn tears:
Here are some key questions that you can ask yourself when you need to provide care
What type of cry is this: is this a high pitched cry,weak whimper or simply fussing?
When was the baby last fed and burped?
When was the last diaper change?
Is the something that may be causing pain or discomfort?
When did the baby sleep last and for how long?
Does the baby have a fever?
Create a care log:
You can use a simple composition book or create a more formal chart on the computer. Print out the chart for all basic needs such as sleep,diaper changes, and feedings. Keep the chart in a centralized location, so that you or the caregiver can refer to this frequently throughout the day. Its certainly takes alot of the guess work out for you.
Tear Solutions:
These are some basic things that you can try in the beginning along with the basics of feeding, changing and burping. Overtime you can develop your own tried and tested remedies
Holding: pick your baby up and hold him close to your body. Cuddling gives warmth and closeness of your body. The sound of your heartbeat, body scent and the sound of your voice soothe him. Holding your baby is another great way to begin the bonding process right from the moment of birth!
Swaddling: wrap your baby in a blanket to create the familiar secure feeling of the womb. The closeness and warmth of swaddling will help him to relax.
Rocking & movement: Newborns naturally like movement because they have experienced constant movement while in utero. Providing rhythmic motion also familiar to life in the womb, can help bring him to a state of feeling calm. You can try simply holding him and gently rocking, use a baby sling and carry him close to you while you are carrying on with daily activities, swings and bouncers can also be a major life saver during those long crying spells.
Change of environment: Sometimes a change of scene is needed. Try assessing the environment: if he is in the cradle, bring him into the family room and place him in the swing. He may simply want something new to look at. Perhaps little things like noise such as a television may be overstimulating. The family dog barking is loud and startling. You should watch for reactions of contentment or fussiness to certain environments.
Offer a pacifier: sucking is an innate ability of all newborns. There are some newborns who have a greater need for sucking even after adequate nursing or bottle feeding. As well a pacifier may be soothing and satisfy the need.
There will be times where you have exhausted all possibilities and find that nothing you've tried will work. Many babies may cry have crying spells with durations that can vary as well as occur at certain times of the day . Its very unpredictable in this sense and its during those moments that you may simply have to lay him down for a while and allow him to cry.
Its important that you also allow yourself to take frequent breaks and allow dad or another set of hands to step in. Sometimes excessive periods of crying can be frustrating and stressful. As well the inability to soothe your newborn can be hard to accept however, its certainly not something that you should personalize.
Your Fussy Baby by Marc Weissbluth, M.D.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Newborn Care: Head To Toe Guide

Head To To Guide
Head: Your baby's head may not be perfectly shaped. The reason,typically during vaginal birth, passing through the birth canal can place pressure on your baby's skull referred to as molding. The newborn skull has two fontanels "soft spots" (located on the the top of the skull and the back of the head)these are delicate areas on the skull where bones have not fused together which allows the skull to be more pliable. As well your baby's brain will grow quite a bit during the first year, so extra room is needed for expansion. The soft spots on your baby's skull will slowly disappear as the bones of the skull will fuse together. Your baby's head should begin to take on its original shape within a week or so.
Newborn Skin: Delicate and sensitive, the overall appearance of the skin may vary among newborns. The wrinkled skin is thin and covered in vernix a white substance that protects the skin from the amniotic fluid. This will begin to peel gradually over the weeks. You will notice peeling especially in the creases of the skin near the hands and feet. Depending on the gestational age at birth,premature babies will have extremely thin skin covered with a layer of lanugo(fine body hair) which covers the body.
Birthmarks: Common for many newborns these distinct marks can appear at birth or shortly thereafter. The most common types of birth marks are as follows: stork bites, mongolian spots, hemangiomas and angel kisses. The overall characteristics can have a wide range of shapes, sizes,colors,location on the body and the overall duration
Jaundice(hyperbilirubinemia): If the whites of your baby's eyes or your baby's skin appears to have a yellowish tint,this maybe due to the jaundice. This happens when there is an excessive buildup of bilirubin in the blood as the body breaks down red blood cells and is not excreted from the body. If you have any questions about whether your baby has jaundice discuss this with your baby's pediatrician for a professional assessment.
Milia: Little small dots on their face, particularly around the nose of newborns. These patches will begin to disappear shortly after.
Newborn Acne: surprisingly acne can show up before the teen years! You may notice some reddish bumps on the forehead and cheeks. It should disappear on its own within a few months.
After being curled up in a fetal position within the warmth of your uterus it will take some time your baby needs time to adjust to the openness of a new world. Those skinny arms and legs will take more form and begin to stretch out from the body.
Genitals: The overall appearance of some newborn's genitals will change "In boys, swelling of the scrotum can be quite impressive and the tissue very red. In girls, the vulva is extremely swollen and also darker in color, both largely the result of the mother's hormones," says Steven P. Shelov, MD, chairman of pediatrics at Maimonides Medical Center,New York City. In addition, "The vaginal mucosa is very hormone sensitive, so once the mother's hormones are out of the baby's system, there will be a little bleeding. It usually occurs within 72 hours and then stops," says Shelov. The enlarged genitals in boys and girls lasts a bit longer -- about a month.
Hair: Some baby's are born with a head full of hair, while others are completely bald. The overall texture of the hair will change during the first year, some times becoming more coarse. As well straight hair may suddenly become wavy or curly. As well babies loose a portion of hair, naturally or develop bald spots. Some curls may begin to form or you may find coarser, tighter ringlets growing in place of your baby's loose, fine curls, for example. In addition,hair color can change during the first year blond hair can gradually turn brown.
Stranger Anxiety In Infants
Your baby has reached a new developmental milestone, its her first fear. As your baby becomes older, she is more aware of her surroundings there may be a change in her behavior. Although young infants under the age of six months generally do not exhibit "stranger anxiety" and will feel secure with almost anyone. However,usually around the age of eight or nine months , your baby will begin to discern between you and a stranger. Quite often she will be hesitant about going into the arms of a stranger, she may turn away, lay her head on your shoulder and hold onto you tightly. The fear of strangers will usually subside by the age of one year or so. However, there is a smaller percentage of babies whom never experience "stranger anxiety" and have the ability to adapt to new situations easily.
Tips for helping your baby
If your baby is anxious in a social situation do not force her to be social. Simply allow her to adjust at her own pace. Allow her to become comfortable in the situation.
Avoid leaving your baby with a complete stranger. If you have to leave your baby with a new caregiver, then plan on having them arrive at least 20 minutes early. This can help make the transition of you leaving easier.
Inform the person that your baby is anxious~ this helps them to understand your baby's behavior change.
Develop an "approach strategy" that works with your baby by suggesting the best way to win her over; perhaps instead of immediately picking her up: start with a smile, talk to her and allow her to begin to feel comfortable first.
Keep in mind that your baby is unique and has her own emerging personality. She will come around in time.
The Daddy Tool Kit: Bonding With Your Newborn
The way that you relate and bond with your baby is quite different in style and manner. There is uniqueness to your relationship with your baby, simply your overall being, your touch, your smell and even the sound of your voice. These are clear distinctions that your baby learns to discern over time. It important to begin bonding with your new baby as soon as possible.
The Tool Kit: You Are Daddy
The tiniest person that you have ever held in your life has just come into your life.
Care: especially for newborns, although they spend the majority of their day sleeping, during their wakeful moments they require lots of care. During this time you can make the most of the time by tending to her needs: bathe,bottle feed, change diapers. When she is upset, you can soothe her just by holding her in your arms and cradle her body while supporting her head. The close skin-to skin contact is just what she needs. You can gently pat her back while you sway softly, or even jiggle her while humming a lullaby or your favorite song.
Playing:If you think that you don't know how to "play" you couldn't be more wrong. Of course you do! Its been some years but you haven't lost our touch. You can play simple baby games like peek-a-boo, patty cake or even better simply make up your own unique games. Try making silly faces and singing silly songs, say your ABC's. She just loves to hear your voice. If it still feels awkward, you will find that overtime it becomes easier, especially when you see her belly laugh at your antics.
Reading: There is nothing better than reading to your baby. You can choose a baby book or even the newspaper, it doesn't matter. She will enjoy looking at the pictures, listening to your voice and its great quality time. Its never too early to begin reading to you baby because you are creating the foundation for language development.
New Father Resources:
Father's First Steps:25 Things Every Father Should Know
Online Resources:
First Fathers: online website for new and expectant fathers, sponsorship/father mentoring/sponsorship program for fathers of children under age 3,community forum, daddy diaries
Brand New Dad: online website for new and expectant fathers, articles, community forum and more
Boot Camp For New Dads: Class designed for first time fathers: offered nationwide, check for availability in your area.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
While there is more for the health care professionals to learn about SIDS and the underlying causes, research continues to be done. Some of the areas of study include genetic,brain activity, sleeping environments to help find answers to many of the questions that surround SIDS.
In 1994 the NICHD launched the Back To Sleep campaign to further promote the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that infants should be placed on their back during sleep. The campaign has brought a widespread awareness among parents, caregivers and health care professionals about the dangers of SIDS, while helping to significantly reduce the number of infant deaths.
There are no symptoms nor warning signs that can help detect the occurrence of SIDS . Rather, it's the cause of death that's given when an infant under the age of 1 year, suddenly dies by undetermined cause, the determination is often made after a thorough complete autopsy and legal investigation. The loss of an infant, especially in the suddenness of this manner of death can be tragic and devastating for the parents and their entire family.
However there are some risk factors that can be taken into consideration. Some of these include the following:
poor prenatal care
high risk pregnancies *twins/multiples
premature birth
african american infants
maternal smoking
maternal age under 20 years
infants who sleep on their stomach
infants who sleep on a soft surfaces
The most important: always place your baby on his or her back rather than on the stomach or side when putting him to sleep. You should instruct any other family member or caregivers about the importance of this proper sleeping procedure.
Prevent you baby from exposure to cigarette smoke: do not allow to anyone smoke around your baby after he is born.
Baby Bedding :Ensure that you are using a firm crib mattress.Remove all, comforters,bumper pads, pillows and stuffed toys from the crib. These are all nice to have but certainly not a necessity. Many of these items can pose hazards such as suffocation, so its best to keep them out of the crib. All that you need is a crib sheet and a lightweight blanket.
To keep your baby comfortable, try not to overdress him, all clothing should be lightweight. As well ensure that the overall room temperature is warm enough for him.
Education is key in helping to reduce the occurrence of SIDS in infants. Many organizations and services are available for parents, caregivers and health care professionals who care for young infants. Explore some of the resources below for additional information.
If you have any questions or concerns about your infants health you should contact your pediatrician.
SIDS Resources
SIDS Resources: Michigan nonprofit organization that provides bereavement counseling, 24hr crisis hotline, family support and educational resources to promote community awareness about SIDS.
American SIDS Institute: family support, crisis hotline, educational services and research
The CJ Foundation for SIDS: provides fundraisers, SIDS awareness, resources, offers educational materials and more
The National Sudden Infant Death Resource Center: Georgetown University resource site providing family counseling,referrals and support, crisis hotline, searchable database, provides educational materials and more
Natural Baby Nursery Essentials
Here are some Great Products
Wall Covering: choose environmental friendly paint that is fume-free wall, low level of solvents and resist mold and mildew. (
Zainy Bedding: make bedtime fun with these 100% organic cotton crib sheets. (funky monkey crib sheets$29,
Organic Layettes: the perfect clothing for delicate newborn skin. Made of all organic eEgyptian cotton.(Under The Nile Sherpa Layette, $14.99,
Green Sleep: choose a crib that meets all federal safety standards made of solid wood with a nontoxic finish also converts into toddler bed. The mattress of your choice should be eco-friendly as well. (
Floor Covering: handmade with cotton, this rug is sure to brighten up any nursery. (Funky Rings, $125,
Teaching Baby Sign Language
Baby sign language teaches babies hand gestures to communicate basic needs in a way that is effective. Well before your baby has the ability to communicate verbally she has good use of her hands. There are many parents and research experts like Linda Acredolo, Ph.D and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D , developers of Baby Signs® whom agree that signing into with your baby can reduce the level of frustration at not being able to communicate.
If you are considering teaching your baby to sign its fairly easy and your baby will pick it up rather quickly. You can begin with the most basic signs like eat, milk, sleep and change (relating to diaper change). As she masters these basic signs you can move on to more signs. While learning signs you are also associating words to the sign so she is getting a vocabulary lesson as well.
How To Start Signing
• Ideally you can begin signing with your baby at any age because of the overall positive benefits. Some parents begin around the age of 9+ months because it is age that age that babies are more sociable and have greater use of hand gestures. You should start with a basic signs relative to the environment of your baby such as mama or dada.
• Be patient. As with all things new to your baby, it will take some time for full mastery. It may simply depend on your baby as to how quickly they can begin to sign back to you. Its important to keep the activity fun and enjoyable.
• Repetition is key! By implementing signing into your daily activities your baby will start to make a connection. Its important to use the signs and words together, as well as objects. Say the word, show the object and do the sign. For example you can
• Enroll in a baby-signing class in your local neighborhood. In addition talk with other parents and ask them about their experience with baby sign language.
The Benefits of Baby Sign Language:
Creates a stronger bond between parent and baby
Increases language development
Less frustration with the ability to communicate
Baby Sign Language Resources
Below is a list of sign language resources
American Sign Language: most sign language classes are based on the ASL so this is a great resource that provides signs for all words of the American Sign Language
Baby Signs: provides program information
Babies & Sign Language
My Baby Can Talk
Signing Baby
Signing Time: website provides newsletter, blog, online shopping
Check your local library for books about signing as well
The First Eco-Friendly Childcare Center: FIO360
That's what FIO360 offers to parents searching for an alternative to a traditional childcare setting. Located in midtown Atlanta, FIO360 is the First Eco-friendly childcare center designed to provide care to children ages 6 weeks to 4 years within an environmentally friendly setting.
Dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle by placing emphasis on living "green" and caring about the environment. The center has an inhouse chef that prepares fresh meals daily using locally grown organic food that is free of pesticides, hormones, pork, nuts and toxins. In addition everything from diapers,cleaning products and toys that are made of wood are just some of the ways that the center has gone to great lengths to keep everything as eco-friendly as possible. In addition there are even yoga classes and massage sessions for the little ones as well.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Feeding Your Baby Fresh Organic Food
When you decide to start offering your baby solids and want to go the organic route you may have some questions about how you should go about doing so. Once you have weighed your options and want to give it a try check out our resources of retailers.
Here's a list of of retailers:
Bohemian Baby
Earth's Best
Evie's Organic Edibles
Gerber Organic
Monday, August 11, 2008
Diaper Rash Prevention
As a parent its understandable that you would be concerned about your baby's bottom if you suddenly noticed reddish patches. If your baby suddenly gets a diaper rash you may consider it to be a reflection of your parenting skills and may begin a whirl of self questioning. However,keep in mind that many babies will have at least one diaper rash before they are fully toilet trained. Once you notice that you baby has a rash its important that you begin treating it right away.
What Causes Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is caused by prolonged wetness of the skin to acidic urine and feces, excessive rubbing from the diaper or chemicals within the diaper itself, which causes the layers of skin to break down. Although a diaper rash is simple to treat and usually can clear up within a few days if properly treated. However, if left untreated it can progress into a more severe rash such as a yeast infection making it very uncomfortable for your baby.
How To Prevent Diaper Rash
Use an ointment that contains zinc oxide, apply it to your baby's bottom after washing and diaper changes.This serves as a barrier and keeps the skin protected against wetness.
Allow her to go diaper free when possible. Simply place a few towels or waterproof pad underneath her bottom and let her air out.
Avoid using any of your baby wipes/baby washes/baby powders etc as these all have chemical ingredients that can irritate the skin.
Try changing diaper brands *switch to cloth or vice versa* disposable diapers contain chemicals that may be irritating your baby's skin. Giving her a break can make the world of difference.
Diaper Rash Prevention:
• Change your baby's diaper as soon as it becomes wet or soiled. Thoroughly clean your baby's bottom of any urine or feces. You may end up buying or washing more diapers but its certainly worth it!This may mean using more diapers or even more diapers to wash but its worth it to save a bottom from becoming irritated.
• Use a protective ointment that contains zinc oxide/petroleum ideally, after each diaper change. Sometimes plain old petroleum jelly works just as well and its budget friendly.
• Keep in mind that when your baby starts eating solid foods, sometimes food allergies can cause rash outbreaks. Introduce one new food at a time and allow up to a week to determine if there are any food sensitivities before you start on the next food.
• Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to boost your baby's immune system. The benefits of breast feeding your baby until at least age 12 months helps him to build resistance to infections thus lessening the need for antibiotics which can be a contributor to diaper rash outbreaks.
• If you are using cloth diapers wash them in hot water and use a detergent that is free of any dyes or fragrances. Do not use any bleach or fabric softeners. These harsh chemicals build up in the diapers causing them to become less absorbent and can irritate your baby's delicate skin. You should always double rinse your diapers to ensure that all soap has been removed from the diapers. You can also add half a cup of vinegar to the first rinse water to restore pH balance and fluff up the diapers.
• Dress you baby in loose clothing made of breathable fabrics such as cotton or even organic cotton clothing.
If you find that the rash has become worse or your baby develops other symptoms then call your pediatrician.
Signs of Neglect
Some diaper rashes are a due to direct neglect of the caretaker and failure to properly care for a diaper rash. If your baby is being cared for by a nanny, babysitter or even in a childcare center you should expect adequate care of your baby. This includes having basic needs met like feedings and diaper changes.
If your baby has a diaper rash its important that you talk with the caretaker about proper care of the rash and directions for use of any ointments, creams or any other specific diaper changing routines that your baby needs. Most childcare facilities have a daily diaper log and require changes every 2 hours. However, you should talk with the facility about their policies regarding using diaper creams/ointments.
Some examples:
If you think that your baby is being neglected its important to take action
Talk with your pediatrician about your concerns or call
National Child Abuse Hotline and Referral Service : 1-800-4- A -Child for more information
Diaper Changing Made Easy
Initially it may be a little awkward when it comes changing your newborn's diaper.
However, just follow these step by step instructions and you will become a pro at changing diapers every time~
Keep all changing essentials within your arms reach, and far away from your baby's
Items needed:
clean diaper
baby powder/rash ointment *these are not must have items,so its optional*
Diapering Tips
Sing/Talk: when it comes to changing your newborn, it can be a little awkward initially because they are tiny and wiggly. You can make diaper time fun by talking to or singing to your baby while changing him. Try to distract him with music or a toy if he needs a little soothing.
Until the umbilical cord falls off, fold the front of the diaper down just below the navel to allow air flow and prevent moisture to the area.
Dispose of plastic diapers by folding them over and placing them in a plastic bag, tie and knot. Always keep some extras in your diaper bag for when you on outings.
Diaper pails with locks should be used for storing soiled cloth diapers
Step-by-Step Diapering
1. Safety first: lay your baby on the dressing table and use the safety strap to prevent her from rolling off the table
2. Unfastening the diaper, pull the front of the diaper away from your baby, grab both legs at the ankles and lift your baby's bottom up.
3. Use a moist wipe to thoroughly clean for boys: wipe the penis and around and under scrotum. For girls: wipe between the folds of the labia always from front to back ( especially for girls) to prevent bacteria from entering the vagina causing infection. Pat the area dry
4. To put on a clean diaper:
If you're using disposable diapers: lay the diaper flat, with the tabs at the back. Slide the diaper under your baby so that the top aligns with the back tab Bring the front up between his legs and tuck it around his stomach. Unfasten the tabs, pull them firmly over the front flap and fasten the diaper. (However, be sure not to fasten the tab too tightly) The diaper should fit snugly, but it shouldn't squeeze or cause redness to the skin. Be sure to pull out the leg gathers
If you're using cloth diapers: basic prefolds: you may need to fold them a little more since your newborn is still tiny. Slide the diaper under your baby so his waist aligns with the top edge.Bring the front up between his legs, and hold it in place while you bring the sides in toward the center and secure with a diaper pin/Snappi
You will need to use a diaper cover or put a pair of waterproof pants over the diaper. Waterproof pants should fit snug -- but not so snugly that they irritate your baby's skin.
5. When you're finished, unfasten the changing table straps and gently pick up your baby.
Diaper Changing Tips:
Never leave your baby unattended or out of your reach.
Keep all diaper changing products(creams,ointments, oils,powders and any plastic bags) out of your baby's reach.
Use a small washcloth to cover baby's genitalia while diaper is off to prevent any surprises
Key Tip: when changing boy's, you should keep a cloth over the penis to prevent sprinkles * push the penis directly downward when putting on diaper to help prevent leaks and drenched clothing
Always wash your hands and the baby's after each diaper change
Sunday, August 10, 2008
12 Signs of Teething in Babies
Teething is the the physical emergence of your baby's first set of teeth. Your baby may begin to start teething around the age of 4-7 months typically. However some babies may not get their first tooth until after their first birth day. It helps to know what to expect and what you can do to get through the process that can be helpful.
If your little one has excessive drooling, pulling at the ear, cranky behavior, and sleepless nights these are just a few of the signs that your baby may be teething. The signs and symptoms can vary among babies and your experience may differ or have similarities when you are talking with other parents. Truth be told most parents can fully understand the plight of this stage of development and the frustration that can accompany. Although it can take some some time for a tooth to erupt, be patient and work with your baby.
12 Signs of Teething in Babies
1. Drooling
2. Chin or face rash
3. Biting/Gumming
4. Cranky/irritable
5. Refuse feedings
6. Ear pulling
7. Low-grade fever
8. Diarrhea
9. Swollen gums
10. Poor sleeping
Teething Relief Remedies
Here are a few remedies to help ease the pain
1. Chewing. at this stage your baby will put most things in his mouth as a way to soothe their gums. As he mouths objects the gnawing action helps to relieve the pressure on achy gums.
Cool things to chew on: icy cold object numb the gums!
teethers: place one of your baby's favorite teething rings in the freezer for a few minutes
frozen fruit: try placing a chunk of mango or banana in the freezer and then place it in one of those mesh feeder bags.
teething cloths: you can make a teething cloth out of a clean cotton wash cloth. Place one in the freezer for a few minutes and let him chew and gnaw on it. He will love it
*Always make sure your baby is sitting upright and that you supervise your baby when he is eating
Baby note: One of the moms in my playgroup suggested a great teething remedy for Chloe. She suggested soaking a clean cloth in plain ole water and placing it in a freezer bag and then in the freezer. At this point im willing to try almost anything to give my baby some relief. Why is teething always the pits?
2.Rub a clean finger on your baby's swollen gums. Using a side to side motion to gently massage the gums.
3. Excessive drooling can cause a rash on your baby's cheeks and chin. Try keep petroleum jelly on the skin as a protectant. Keep lots of bibs handy and change them often.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Newborns: Sponge Bath Techniques
Bathing Your Newborn
Once the umbilical cord and or circumcision have fully healed, you can transition your baby to the baby bath tub. As this is a new experience for your baby, allow her ample time to become used to the transition.
The same principle applies to the frequency of bathing, Simply use your best judgement when it comes to your baby's hygiene.
Baby's First Bath
Your baby's first bath in the hospital will be a sponge bath. However,during the first few weeks your newborn will require care for circumcision (if applicable) or the umbilical cord until the stump heals and falls off. Thereafter you will be able to give your baby a full bath in a bathtub.
Just about any time of the day is fine for bathtime, although just before bedtime can be quite soothing and relaxing. By establishing a bathing routine you will help your baby become used to bathtime and this is the perfect time to bond with your baby.
As well you can allow other family members to have an opportunity to bathe the baby as well, this can give you a little much needed rest time too!
The bath station:
Adequate preparation is essential and will help make the ordeal go more smoothly.
Some newborns will enjoy a nice warm bath right from the beginning, and there are some that will dislike it and cry during the entire bath. To reassure her, talk to her or sing her a song !
The Bath Station:
You will need the following:
2 washcloths
hooded towel
baby soap & shampoo
cotton balls *cleanse eyes*
alcohol pads *cleanse umbilical cord*
clean diaper & clothing
Begin by selecting a room in the house that is warm and draft free. Turn off any fans or air conditioners as well.
Step By Step
Starting from the top to the bottom
1. Head: use a pea size of baby shampoo and rub in a circular motion, and rinse thoroughly.
2. Face: moisten sterile cotton balls with clean warm water and use to cleanse the eyes. You should wipe from the inner corner of the eye and wipe outward to remove any debris. You need a clean cotton ball for each eye. Use a damp cloth with only water and wipe the rest of the face and ears. *Remember to never use a q-tip or anything to clean inside the ear.
3. Neck: gently tilt baby's head and be sure to clean the neck creases and folds where formula tends to drip to.
4. Arms & torso: Extend each arm and wash entire arm, between the creases, pay extra attention to the hands by opening each one and washing between those tiny fingers! Then wash/wipe the chest area, *avoid excess water to prevent wetting the umbilical area*.
5. Legs: Extend each leg and wash between the creases, wash each foot and between all tiny toes too!
6. Back: wash,wipe the entire back area
7. Diaper area: this should be the very last area to wash.
You should avoid washing the umbilical area until it is fully healed, simply wipe with a alcohol pad only, this area should not be in contact with any water.
Bath Tips:
Keep your baby warm during bathtime by undressing in sections. Undress only the part of the body that you are washing at that time. Many newborns ideally dislike the feeling of being disrobed, so this is a way to help her to feel more secure during bathtime.Keep the diaper on until the very end, this can help prevent any accidents!
Bath Safety Tips:
• Prevent your baby from being scaled by setting your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Never leave your baby unattended in the bathtub for even 1 second.
• Avoid any distractions like the telephone or the doorbell, if you have someone else in the home, let them take care of that. Keep your focus on the baby!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Newborn Twins and Multiples: How To Manage With Two Babies
Life with multiples can be very exciting, simply because there is more than one new baby. Along with the joys of raising multiples, families do face challenges when it comes to adjusting to the changes that come along with many feedings and burp sessions,diaper changes,extra loads of laundry and other daily activities.
Here are a few tips:
Establish a support system: if you have family members,friends or outside care services that can provide an extra set of hands in caring for the babies that is certainly helpful. Its important that you determine the times that you need the most help and perhaps what task each caregiver can do. Perhaps there is someone who can cook meals, walk the dog, run some errands or so. You can create a schedule that print out and provide to each caregiver. This way you will always have adequate coverage and never leave yourself short. As well each person clearly knows just exactly when they are needed which helps keep things organized.
Keep it together: all of the daily care routines such as feeding, bathing, diaper changes and sleeping should be done together. If you keep your babies on one schedule, your day will be less hectic. Babies are adaptable, and although it may take a little time, you can have smoother days ahead. As your babies grow older and become more mobile and independent that makes the difference as well.
Feeding time may certainly be one of the most hectic times if only you had more than two arms. Whether you are exclusively breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a combination of both, finding the best way to keep your babies well nourished is what is most important.
Some parents have found things like bounce chairs to be a wonderful gift. When you fussy babies and one set of hands, creativity can certainly come into play. When both babies want to be held or rocked at the same time: first place one baby in a bounce chair on the floor and use your foot to get a rhythmic bounce session going, you can then hold and rock the other baby. As well this is a perfect way to interact with both babies simultaneously. Perfect play activities such as singing, making silly faces and talking are great ways to bond with both babies.
As well for equal opportunity, switch babies so each one is getting fair time being held.
One of the more challenging aspects: Getting your babies to nap at the same time is key! The main purpose is that time management with a goal in mind. While your babies are asleep, you can use this time to complete other tasks such as doing laundry, dishes, errands or simply some much needed down time. Naptime is priceless! However, newborns have a time disparity so chances are they are out of sync.
Ensure that the babies have a full tummy: chances are that if hunger needs are met, the babies will feel satisfied and sleep well. Newborns have an innate need to suck and some babies may require more than others. If you are nursing, your babies will let you know when they feel satisfied. Some babies may need a pacifier for more soothing when being put to sleep.
Warm bath: giving the babies a warm bath, can help calm and relax the body. A light massage with oil also helps the body to relax and feels great too. If you establish a bedtime routine that is consistent, this will help your baby to make associations between the activities and sleeping.
Try swaddling them: wrapping the babies in a light weight blanket, gives them a feeling of comfort and security that resembles the womb. Be sure that you do not wrap them too tightly
Sleeping together: try placing the babies in same the crib/bassinet together: some parents like to allow their babies to sleep together because its comforting. They've spent nine months together so they comfort one another. Many multiples can be see holding each others hands or cuddling close to one another. They are each others best friends!
Remember: babies are adaptable to their environment! Start early and gradually work with your babies to become used to a set schedule.
Bonding: As a parent of newborn multiples, your babies will be viewed as "the twins" or "the triplets", sort of as a group entity. However as you to get to know your babies and bond with them together and individually you are setting the foundation of a healthy parental relationship. Its important to also celebrate the individuality of each baby, by making reference to each by name. As your babies grow and unique personality traits begin to emerge you will find that its easier to do. You can play games like peek-a-boo and say "peek-a-boo, I see *baby's name*, or try playing patty-cake with the babies. This also helps them to hear their names separately as well!Although don't be surprised if it takes others to catch on to this fact.(we tend to group clusters of info in our brain).
Key Tip: take some time and research online to see if there are any support networks within your local community as well. If you find that none exist, you could even consider starting a group of your own. There are many families out there who would certainly appreciate some services that would be easily accessible especially when, you factor in toting babies and all that it entails.
Its important to keep in mind that you life has changed considerably since your babies have arrived. As well you may be an emotional roller coaster while your moods are bouncing back and forth. Its important to be good to yourself and not forget to set aside time for yourself. Even the most simple basic daily tasks like showers can become a luxury. As well fathers are just as emotionally effected by the birth of the babies and need a little TLC as well.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Fisher Price: Launches Elmo Live
Fisher Price has announced that preorders for Elmo Live begin on August 5, 2008